Monday 27 January 2014

Introducing: The Nwaeze Ajumoke Diary: “A Night To Remember”

 "Hello sugar", Lola sounded quite excited as she picked up Jake's call, "Ok I will be there right away, I just had my bath". She ended the call and carelessly dropped her Samsung s4 on the bed, she flung open her well stuck wardrobe and in a split minute she was already dressed up, looking simple but sexy in her flowered fuchsia pink flair mini dress, she applied a little make up just to enhance that beautiful look, hurriedly wore a peep toe sandals and drove off to her boyfriend's house where she couldn't wait to spend the weekend in.

Lola and Jake has
been dating for five years now, and to say their relationship was a healthy one will be a total understatement, it was perfect, the envy of all, they were meant for each other and lived for each other.
She got to Jake's house around quarter past 8pm to meet him setting table for dinner, hmmmm!!! She teased, don't tell me its your cooking I'm perceiving, "Yea it is, I made dinner for you, just for you baby", Jake teased back.

Its quite unusual for Jake to handle kitchen wares, he rarely cooks but today was an exception. They had a romantic "Jake made" dinner with scented candles giving sweet aroma to the coziness of the entire sitting room, and a Marvin Gay's song playing softly in the background. They chatted about the day's activities as they ate, and rounded off the three coarse meal with Strawberry Cheese cake for dessert.
Lola cleared the dishes while Jake sorted a movie out of the DVD rack. They both settled down on the couch in the well furnished sitting room to watch a movie, It was a funny and interesting one (Tyler Perry's) but they didn't get to finish it as they got distracted with the usual attraction.

It started with a long hard laugh, then a silent mood, followed by a kiss, and then multiple kisses, Madea was busy entertaining herself on the big screen while Lola and Jake went on and on for hours doing what unmarried people shouldn't do. After what seemed like forever with four rounds of tongue-speaking, earth-shaking orgasm, they both were exhausted and laid quietly to rest. It was quite a night to remember.
"Sugar boo can we talk", Jake broke the silence, "we can do that in the morning, am so exhausted" replied Lola still breathing heavily, "I wish we can but it probably can't wait till dawn", Jake said in a rather tensed voice.

It was about 1.45am, the earliest hours of the morning when only witches in their covens were licensed to be awake. The previous day had been a busy day for both Lola and Jake working as a Customer Sales Representative and a Pilot respectively, weekends like this was one time these love birds get to spend enough time together aside the seven times a day frequent calls they make and Wednesday lunch they had every week. They always had a lot to talk about, and say to each other since they were first best friends before lovers.

What could it be?, Lola raised herself up to give her boyfriend full attention, with an all listening ear to this very important thing that couldn't wait till morning.
Jake: (Looking her in the eyes) Sugar boo, these past five years of my life with you has been the best ever, and today's....was the highest point, you came into my life at the right time when I couldn't live one more second without you, I cherish you with my soul and body, and I love you dearly... that is why I wanted today to be a memorable day for u, and for me.
(Lola listened in silence as her eyes blinked repeatedly with excitement over Jake's sweet words)
Jake: (Taking her hands this time, and looking her straight into the eyes) Lola Will You M...
(At this point Lola had blanked out of Jake's Voice, she was fantasizing already, Yes! Yes! She said in her mind)
And then she came back to reality just in time to hear Jake's voicing saying something like..."married next month".
Next Month? I'm not ready yet, Lola almost screamed with enthusiasm.
Jake: Have you been listening to me?
Lola: Yes, (grinning profoundly) but I'll love to hear it again.
Jake: (sweating and more tensed this time) Lola, Will You M...make a promise that you'll be fine without me? Because I'm getting... married next month.

Ajumoke Nwaeze better known as AJ is a budding writer, Poet, a recording artiste and an On-air personality. She was also the lead vocalist of the Diamondz band Star Quest winners, 2008. Read more at 

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